
Jeff Templeton – CF L2

Verdant North Head Coach & Manager


From a very young age, Jeff loved to play sports. His favorite was basketball. Playing sports helped Jeff remain healthy throughout high school, in his twenties, the demands of being an adult slowed him down and he settled into a sedentary lifestyle. Through the next few years, Jeff would make attempts to regain his health by joining a globo gym, but never found his place. He first walked into a CrossFit box at the request of my wife, but was reluctant and didn’t see the value. However, as the coach walked around and began the instructions, Jeff could feel something happening. He went home and decided to try CrossFIt for a week. After his second class, he was hooked.In his first year, Jeff lost 50 pounds and found a stronger, better version of himself. He began to see the athlete he once was and reveled in his growing confidence and accomplishments. Training is not only my career, it is my passion!

Jeff recognizes there is not a “one size fits all” approach to training. He works with his athletes to their “why,” and will apply the right methodology based on what works best for you. Jeff is a passionate, kind, and thoughtful coach who loves watching athletes reach goals they thought were unattainable.


  • CrossFit Level-2
  • USAW Level-1
  • CrossFit Anatomy
  • CrossFit Gymnastics
  • CrossFit Lesson Planning
  • CrossFit Coaching the Aging Athlete